Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Lot Going On

Wow, it has been over a week since I posted. Well a lot has been going on as we are in the process of buying a new home (we live in an apartment now). It is exciting and stressful at the same time. We are moving to Keller. Which is kind of see we have said we would not move to Keller. God obviously had other plans (don't ever tell God what you will and will not do). It really makes perfect sense, we can get much more house for our dollar, it is closer to my husband's job, tons of people we know live out there including some of our closest friends, the list could go on. I am really excited as our house is too cute! Here is a pic!


Anonymous said...

your house is beautiful..I'm so jazzed for you two... and keller is an excellent place for bike riding and running *wink!*...lesa & bill

Anonymous said...

Pretty Home. I'll pray for you both to have God have his hand on your decisions.