Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Praise the Lord for President Bush's Veto today!

I received a proposition from a website I registered on last week to gain information on fertilitiy treatments and options to send a letter to President Bush to tell him to NOT veto the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill. Below is the email I sent to them explaining why I SUPPORT the Veto.

In response to your request to take action against President Bush and his veto of the Stem Cell research bill I have to comment. I will NOT send a letter urging the President to NOT veto this bill. In fact, I commend President Bush for taking such a strong stand regarding the sanctity of life. A “five day old fertilized egg” is an embryo. An embryo is a human being. We must continue to fight to educate the public that life, even at the single cell stage, is valuable.

The interesting thing about this entire debate is how everyone who supports this talks about using all these excess “cells” (you must mean babies) or they will simply become medical waste. They talk about how the couple would like some good to come from their “biological tissue” (you must mean unborn children), that it would be used to save lives. Funny thing is that the life they would be saving would be at the expense of the life of their own child. I wonder if you approached one of these couples and asked them to donate their 8 month old baby, or maybe their 5 year old to medical science so that others could live the answer would be “NO” 100 percent of the time. Why do these same women (the ones with 30 excess frozen babies) mourn over the loss of a pregnancy at 4-6 weeks and talk about losing their “baby”, when their actions say that all they really believe is that some biological tissue exited their body?

President Bush has my full support of the Veto of this bill.

You probably wonder how/why I am a registered user of your site. I just joined this last week. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 ½ years and have yet to conceive a child. I registered on your site to gain information. I do not wish to be solicited to support political, moral or ethical views that I do not agree with. God creates life, not man. It is a sin for man to take life. I may be hard pressed to find a Physician who agrees with mine and my husbands view on this subject, but I will not proceed with any procedure that will take life to give life. What would I tell my child if via IVF we discarded 15 of his/her siblings? Would I say “Sweetie, you are so special that we killed 15 of your brothers and sisters just to have you.”? I will never have to wonder about that. I pray for those who have gone down that road and now regret it. Will God forgive them? Yes, if they are repentant of their action/choice. But we must do everything possible to prevent the continuation of this type of killing being promoted as something normal, even noble.

From Psalm 139
For you created my inmost being;
       you knit me together in my mother's womb.
 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
       your works are wonderful,
       I know that full well.
 15 My frame was not hidden from you
       when I was made in the secret place.
       When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
 16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
       All the days ordained for me
       were written in your book
       before one of them came to be.

Please reconsider your stance on this subject and the consequences that will come if we continue down the road of giving little or no value to life that God has created. God gave his son, Jesus Christ to die so that all could have life. Who are we to take it away? And Christ did not remain dead, the grave had no hold on Him. In fulfillment of the scriptures He rose again and lives today. We are not God. His thoughts are higher that our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways. We cannot play God without dire consequences.


Mark said...

wow, excellent post!

Anonymous said...

We're close to 6 billion humans on the planet.

Around the planet large mammal populations are all managed, their numbers controlled by humans due to our intrusions making large tract of the planet uninhabitible for them.

Current estimates are that large percentages of terrestrial animals will become extinct over the next 45 years.

And yet you worry about a bunch of embryos that might not even make it in any setting.

The Bible says that God gave us the planet to take care of, and yet here you go on worrying only about your own kind. Noah built his ark and didn't load it up with humans, he saved many many different species.

I think you should broaden your fight for those species that really require your support. Humans are having no problem surviving and outcompeting everything else.

T said...

Dear Anonymous,

A few things pop out at me...

First, if you feel so passionatly about this subject, why did you post this anonymously?

Second, your comment really has nothing to do with the subject at hand. We are not debating the value of human life vs. animal life. We are discussing the value of human life in it's smallest form.

If you read the story of Noah in context (fully) you will see that Noah loaded the ark with his entire family, including his son's and their wives. 8 people in all. The point of the flood was to detroy the unrighteous. Genesis says that Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time and that he walked with God. God instructed him to save one pair (male and female) of all living creatures on the earth, to keep them alive. It was not Noah's choice who went on the ark, it was God's divine plan.

God did give us dominion over the earth and all that is on it. Animal life is not equal to human life. Don't get me wrong, animal life does have much value, however, Man was made in the image of God.

It is interesting that you reference the bible as your last paragraph eludes to the fact that you may believe in evlolution rather than creation. You lump humans and animals together and call them species.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a sin soaked world. God's intention for us was not for us to live among sin, death and destruction. He created paradise for us, we messed that up. When Christ returns, paradise will be restored. In Revelation it says "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." I believe that all God's creatures will be restored along with the lush vegatation that was on the earth in the beginning.

Human life should always take presidence over animal life. There should be more funding, more programs,more tears and more concern over humanity than anything else on earth. Animals have a place and should not be tortured, neglected, or abused. God created them as well. We need to be mindful of the resources God gave us, but again, this was not a debate on humanity vs. animals.

Society continues to devalue life and this is a tragedy.